Code of Conduct
The Principal of an Institution should always be fair, honest, objective, innovative, protective, supportive, law abiding and practical. The Principal has to.
- Frame a policy and plan to execute the vision and mission of the institution.
- Provide leadership, direction and Co-ordination within the institution.
- Plan the Annual Budget and go through the financial audited statement of the previous years.
- Direct and monitor the administration of the academic programmes and overall administration of the institution.
- Assure that quality in education and academic works are maintained for continuous growth.
- Give importance to Co-curricular and extra – curricular activities.
- Promote Industry – Institution interactions and inculcate research developmental activities.
- Form various committees among staff and students which are essential for the development of the institution.
- Bridge the gap between the ALUMNI and the Institution.
- Be fair in his disciplinary actions for all the members of faculty, Non- Teaching staff and students.
- Listen to the students and always be available to their grievances.
- Empower all the staff and students to reach their maximum potential.
- Carry himself with the highest integrity and exhibit outstanding and strong leadership skills.
- Effective Academic Administration of the Department under his/her control.
- Assistant the Principal in all matters of Academic interest.
- Work out the work load of the Department and recommend the staff requirement to the principal.
- Ensure the quality and effectiveness of teachings – learning process.
- Maintain every good relationship with staff and students.
- Organize Guest-Lectures, Seminars, Conferences, Industry visits and encourage the staff to go for more publications.
- Encourage the staff to participate in Seminars, Conferences and workshops, and motivate them to undertake research by tapping funding showcase / agencies.
- Ensure effective conduct of extra classes, career guidance and placement programmes in Co-ordination with training and placement Cell.
- Contribute in evolving new strategies and action plans for the development and quality improvement of the department.
- Interact with students periodically, review the students performance in the internal and end semester examinations regularity in attendance and monitor general discipline of the students.
- Responsible for the total Administration and smooth functioning of the college.
- Monitor and supervise the regular activities of the college by visiting the college often.
- Meet – out the grievances of the Staff and Students.
- Establishment of infrastructure within the campus.
- Encourage and Participate in various programmes of the committees/ Departments/ College.
- Planning the Annual Budget for / of the college.
- Utilizing the various financial resources for the development of the college.
- Encourage and support the seminars conferences, workshops, etc., organized in the college.
- Liaison officer between the college (Staff and Students) and the management.
- Each faculty member shall at all times maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty.
- Each faculty member should perform all professional activities through proper channel and extend co-operation to his/her colleagues and higher authorities.
- Each faculty member shall conduct himself/herself with absolute dignity and decorum in dealing with the superiors, colleagues and students at all times.
- Each faculty member should attend the college neatly dressed and follow dress regulations. Faculty members must always wear their identity cards while inside the college premises.
- Faculty members are barred from using cell phones while taking classes, engaging in examination duties and while attending meetings.
- No faculty member shall absent himself/herself from duty at any time without prior approval.
- Any instruction issued by the competent authority by way of circulars from time to time must be complied with.
- Faculty members are expected to be punctual in going to the classes, attending meetings, invigilation, college functions and attend National celebrations.
- Faculty members shall not discriminate any student on grounds of caste, creed, religion, gender, nationality or language.
- Faculty members shall not demonstrate favoritism in assessment of students deliberately over marking, under marking or attempt at victimization on any grounds.
- Faculty members shall neither disclose confidential information about students to anyone nor disclose confidential information from Management to students.
- Faculty members shall not accept fees or honorarium, gift, etc., from the students.
- Faculty members shall respect the prerogative of parent/guardian to look after the interest of the student.
- Faculty members shall not misuse or carelessly use amenities provided to him/her by the Institution to facilitate the discharge of his /her duties
- Each faculty member shall set an example to his/her colleagues and students.
- Faculty members must have involvement in research activities and pave new avenues to their students.
- Faculty members must organize and participate, seminars, conferences and work-shops; also concentrate on Research publications.
- Non-Teaching staff should remain on duty in the college from 8.30 am to 5 pm. They shall not leave the college premises without permission before 5 pm.
- Every non-teaching staff employed shall discharge his/her duties meticulously and efficiently and shall conform to the rules and regulations of the college / Govt.
- Non-teaching staff shall respect and maintain the hierarchy in the Administration and carry out their duties as instructed by the authorities to whom they are attached.
- Non-Teaching staff must always wear their identity cards during working hours.
- Non-Teaching Staff shall maintain honesty, integrity and equality in all activities.
- Non-Teaching Staff shall exercise self-discipline and deal positively with staff, students, parents and public.
- Non-Teaching Staff assigned to laboratories should be responsible for the cleanliness and maintenance of the labs.
- The staff has to carry out any work assigned with regard to examinations conducted by the college as directed by the Principal.
- The staff should take prior approval if he/she wants to avail leave. In case of sickness, a medical certificate should be produced.
- Non-Teaching Staff shall avoid personal calls and social networking sites such as Facebook, Whatsapp, etc during the working hours.
- Non-Teaching Staff should maintain a personal diary-regarding the movement of the files of his/her Table.
- The foremost objective of education is moulding the character. The college lays great emphasis on decent behaviour of every student.
- Students should attend college neatly and decently dressed.
- Any student found guilty of offending a staff member will be dealt with seriously and if necessary, the punishment may lead to suspension or dismissal from the college.
- In the intervals or during the unexpected absence of the teacher concerned, students should remain silent in the class rooms.
- Students should not loiter in the verandhas, sit on the steps of the portico and staircases.
- Students are not allowed to roam about the campus when a class is cancelled. They should remain in the class room or in the library reading silently
- Smoking is prohibited inside the college premises.
- Students who are found using drugs or in a drunken state will be summarily dismissed from the college.
- Students should abstain from participating in party and communal politics.
- Students should park their vehicles in the space meant for parking.
- For any function, conference, meeting or any gathering of the kind, students should get prior permission of the Principal.
- The Principal has the absolute right to penalize or suspend or dismiss any student found guilty of gross misconduct inside or outside the college campus.
- Students should attend classes well on time.
- Scribbling on the walls & desks or doing any other kind of damage to the college property is strictly prohibited. Students will be held responsible for any such wanton damage and they will be severely penalized.
- Students are directed to keep their mobile phones in switch off mode in classrooms.
- Students are not allowed to bring mobile phones to the examination hall.
- Students must participate in the Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities.
- Students must involve themselves in the Department programmes.
- Students must maintain a very good relationship with the Teachers.
- Students should be in their seats in the respective classes before the teacher enters the class.
- Students coming late by five minutes or more will not be allowed to attend the class without the permission slip from the Head of the Department.
- Absence for one or more hours during a session will be treated as absence for half a day.
- Calling students from the classroom during the lecture hours, except with the permission slip from the Principal/HOD concerned, is prohibited.
Students should wear their identity card duly signed by the Principal. The cards will be issued to them immediately after admission in the college. They should wear the ID cards in the college premises. They must be able to produce the ID cards on demand by the Principal or Teachers.
- The Library will be kept open on all working days from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm.
- Silence should be maintained in library.
- Students should not remove/tear pages from the book and should not underline or write in the books.
- Books will be issued to the students as per the following rules :
- Students can use their ID cards to borrow books from the library. Undergraduate students are allowed to take 2 books, Post graduate students, 3 books, and research scholars, 4 books.
- Books should be returned on or before the due date. If a student fails to return the book on time, he/she will have to pay a fine of 1 Rupee for each day of delay.
- Magazines, dailies, booklets and reference books should not be taken out of the library.
- Students should check the books when they receive them from the Librarian. If there is any damage it should be reported at once.
- Students should take great care of library books. If a student happens to lose any book, he / she should pay the current price of the book and a fine decided by the Principal.
- No belongings of the student like bags, personal books, bound notebooks and ‘MOBILE PHONES’ will be allowed inside the library. That should be kept outside the library in the property counter.
- Students, before they go on vacation, should return the library books.