
The library is the icon of a college. Libraries are essential to have access to knowledge. In digital times they are needed more than ever before. Libraries play a significant role in spreading knowledge and keeping the reading habit alive in people. They play an essential part in overall educational development of people and community. Reading improves social skills, knowledge, mental health, academic performance and offers numerous other benefits. In a nutshell, a good library does a great service to its society.
One such library is ours. It was established in the year 1963. It is situated in the premises of the main building. With separate rooms for reading and reference, our library stands as a model of its kind.
The Collections of our Library includes
- Books Accessioned
- National Journals
- International Journals
- Periodicals
- Magazines
- Book Bank Books Accessioned
- Back volume of Journals
- Dailies
- Books for Competitive Examinations
- AV Materials
- Research works
Rules and Regulations:
- Each and every student and staff of the college are members of the library
- The Library works under the open access system for the staff and PG students and closed access system for the UG students.
- Books are issued to the students in a periodical system in accordance to their discipline of study.
- Token system is followed for students to avail books. Each student is provided with two tokens exchanged for borrowing books. Sub-lending of books is strictly forbidden. The student is liable for any damage of the book, hence the student should be cautious while borrowing it from the library. In case of previous damage, the same should be brought to the notice of the Librarian.
- Making marks, underlines, clippings or annotating are strictly forbidden.
- The students should return the book in time mentione in the book slip. The student’s absence will not be a valid reason for failure of returning the book on time. The time will not be extended for any reason. The librarian is authorized to recall a book at any time even before the last date of return.
- In case of damage or if the book is lost, the student borrower is liable to replace the book or to pay a sum of money double the price of the book.
- The tokens should be surrendered towards the end ofevery academic year and the same will be re-issued at the beginning of the new academic year.
- Penalty for the loss of a ticket is Rs.20/-
- Periodicals and dailies are available for reference and reading between 9.30 AM and 3.30 PM.
- The periodicals and dailies should in no case be removed from the reading room and those who are responsible for any damage are liable for disciplinary actions. Proper decorum should be maintained in the library.
- In case of misbehaviours, the principal has every right to exclude a student from enjoying the privileges of the college library.
8.30 AM to 5.00 PM on all working days
8.30 AM to 5.00 PM on all working days
The college library has its access to e-resources such as N-List (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Contents). Which is funded by the MHRD. The N-List project provides access to e-resources to students, researcher and faculty through servers installed at the INFLIBNET centre. Through this, one can get access to more than 2,100 e-journals and more than 51,000 e-books. The resources can be accessed through
Following is the list of E-Resources.
E-Journals (Full Text):
- American Institute of Physics (18 titles)
- American Physical Society (10 titles)
- Annual Reviews (33 titles)
- Cambridge University Press (224 titles)
- Econamic and Political Weekly (EPW) (1 titles)
- Indian Journals (150 titles) Institute of Physics (46 titles)
- Oxford University Press (206 titles)
- Royal Society of Chemistry (29 titles)
- H. W. Wilson (1420 titles)
- E-Books: E-brary (45000+ titles)
- Oxford Scholarship (902 titles)
- Net Library (936 titles)
- Myilibrary-McGraw Hill (1308 titles)
Bibliographic Database:
E-Resources for Universities:
Web of Science
E-Resources for Technical Institutions (IITs, IISc, IISERs and NITs):
Annual Reviews,
Project Muse
Our aim is to reach all. The Department of library conducted a special Orientation programmed for all the first year under graduate and post graduate students. A Book Exhibition in collaboration with some state level book publishers and book sellers was organized on 3rd October 2013 to 4th October 2013. The Library steps into the new fold and making the good platform for the students through the conduct of such programmers.